Clipping:John Montgomery Ward

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Date Wednesday, June 27, 1877

The Athletics have secured still another pitcher, in the person of John M. Ward, of Williamsport. He is described as having the curve down fine, and is said to trouble the best of batters. Philadelphia Item June 27, 1877

[Athletic vs. Kleinz 7/2/1877] Ward, the Athletics’ new pitcher, made his debut before a Philadelphia audience, and he proved his ability, no less than fourteen hands striking out on his delivery. His style resembles that of Nolan in this respect. He pitched the ball to suite his catcher, and not the batter. He curves the ball outward and changes his pace, having great command of the ball. Philadelphia Item July 3, 1877

Source Philadelphia Item
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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