Clipping:An ugly uniform

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Date Sunday, May 12, 1889

The modest gray shirt and trousers worn by “The Zulus” [i.e. Pittsburgh] yesterday toned down the Dime Museum style of their regulation costume a trifle, but the yellow stockings and cap still remained an eyesore to every spectator not afflicted with color blindness. Chicago Tribune May 12, 1889

mask on the base line; character of AA players; awning over players bench; destroying a catcher's mask

The following paragraph will convey a fair idea of the character of the average American Association ball-player and the degree of control exercised by the average association team manager over his players. “Quite a little excitement,” says the paragraph, “was caused in the fifth inning of last Wednesday's game between the Cincinnati and Athletic teams at Cincinnati. Duryea was on first when Holliday hit to deep left for a home run. Robinson, the catcher, took off his mask and laid it directly on the third base path, about four feet from home, and then stood on the plate. Baldwin, who was on the bench, sa the movement, and became possessed of the idea that it was an exhibition of dirty ball—that Robinson had placed the mask there so that Holliday could not slide in case of a close play. Quick as a flash Baldwin came out from under the awning, the, running up with bat in hand, hit Robinson's mask a hard blow, knocking it off the path. As soon as Robinson realized what he had done he looked around for Kid's mask. It was on the ground not far from the plate. Robinson jumped onto the mask with both feet and smashed it out of shape. It was completely collapsed. Baldwin had to use Earle's mask the rest of the game, his own being destroyed completely. Hot words followed and the audience hissed Robinson. Baldwin wanted Goldsmith to fine Robinson enough to pay for the mask. He would take no action in the matter. Robinson's trick in laying the mask on the third-base line is one originated by Jack Boyle, and by this obstruction the base-runner is prevented from sliding home unless he takes chances of being injured by the mask. Chicago Tribune May 12, 1889

Source Chicago Tribune
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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